The Ramblings of a Big City Girl Gone South
4 Mar
How much did you give her?
For more interesting questions and answers, check out the site of the day.
Sadly enough….it’s a site I visit almost every day!
1 Mar
We finally got some decent snow! Six inches and it was the best kind of snow for building snowmen!
1 Mar
We’ve all seen the warnig labels, “May cause cancer”, “Contains Trans-fats”, “Not for children under 3″…etc…etc. Well, I can think of a few things that need warning labels that do not have them.
These Items need the following warning labels:
Any diary product – “May cause embarrassing gas”
Non-diet Soda – “May rot your teeth”
Diet Soda – “May taste like crap”
Any unassembled childs toy – “Will cause frustration and lost pieces”
Coffee – “May stain teeth”
Toilet Paper – “If used too vigorously, may stick to ass”
Gold Canyon Candles – “May be addictive”
Chocolate – “May make you fat”
Band-Aids – “May be painful when removed”
Socks – “Wash after every use”
Underwear – (see socks)
Computers – “May delete files at will”
Oreos – “Don’t smile after eating and before brushing”
Marriage – “Not to be undertaken lightly”
Garlic – “Will give you bad breath”
You are currently browsing the The Gift blog archives for March, 2005.