The Ramblings of a Big City Girl Gone South
30 Jun
You know….all morning I have been trying to think of something witty and charming to post about, but dammit, I just don’t feel witty and charming. I think I am fighting some kind of infection from sticking a pair of pruning shears into my knee. Maybe it’s just a bug of laziness, either way, I still don’t feel witty and charming. Luckily, we have corporate commercial America to keep us up when we feel down.
My latest obsession has been entering sweepstakes. While browsing the latest in celebrity gossip, I saw a banner for a sweepstakes that I felt compelled to enter. (And this new obsession is probably going to land me on every mailing list on the internet) I wasn’t quite prepared for what I saw….and luckily it was good enough to share….even if you don’t enter the sweepstakes, which I didn’t because it actually required me to get off my ass and mail something. Here is the link of what I saw…
Not sure which is my favorite, they are all quite amusing. So amusing, in fact, that I decided to share it with Devin, a mistake I regretted afterwards. Devin kept shouting “do it again mom! Hooray! Now the top one!” Just like that commercial for the minivan crashing with the 2 kids….now the red one Bob! What about your car?
At least I am still witty and charming to him.