The Ramblings of a Big City Girl Gone South
10 Jun
Dang…its been too long since I posted. After that last lame post, I got a job! It has been a whirlwind since then. I started working because I had too much time and no money and now I have money and no time! (Well, I am paying the bills…I still don’t have much leftover.)
I am working at a call center that is located in my little town. We take calls for an insurance company, WellCare. They do government insurance programs like Medicare and Medicaid. I am a trainer for new agents. It keeps me busy. There is alot to know about Medicare, more on that later though.
Devin is enjoying his summer vacation. He did us proud this year at school. He was on Honor Roll and he also made it into the “gifted” program. He is reading like a grown up and his new love is Calvin and Hobbs.
The animals are good, I am expecting a set of unexpected goat babies any day now. I’ll post pictures when they get here. I am hoping for 2 little ones….normally she has one baby, but her last litter (ha!) she had four! I just hope for heathly animals. The babies are unexpected because I gave her to a friend and she gave her back to me pregnant. Even she didn’t know she was preggers.
Enough for now…I’ll get back in the swing of things and post more often now.
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