The Ramblings of a Big City Girl Gone South
17 Oct I said to my DH, “Make a weblog on my site.”……And this is what I get. Ummm, hello people, I haven’t looked THAT good since before my son was born! Sigh…oh well, I guess it’s best that DH has that illusion of me. Do *you* think he’ll think that when I am really old and shrivelly? (is THAT even a word?)
Well anyway, what’s done is done. I’ll fix it later. For now, welcome to my stupid weblog….but since it’s using bBlog, I guess I’ll have to start calling it that. Here, you find all sorts of really boring things that are going on in my boring life! Unfortunately, not much is going on right now anyway. I am busy packing candles to drag off to the Apple Dumpling Festival and fighting a cold. I’ll check back tomorrow when I may actually have something interesting to say! Toodles…
One Response for "Give an Inch and they take a mile!"
Welcome to the world of weblogs/online journals. I promise, yours can’t be any more boring than mine!